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Why Discourage your Criminals

from attacking your innocent people?

[Throughout this site, Open Page in a new Tab next to a link means it opens in a new tab.]
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Your citizens - your voters - want LESS violent crime. They want you to put more effort into discouraging criminals from raping them, robbing them, and assaulting them so there's less crime needing less effort to clear afterwards. They know that candid police officers say: all Open Page in a new Tab

”Ninety-five percent of the time, we get to the scene late.”

Police officers know that criminals who fear being injured attack fewer people and they also know that legally-armed citizens thwart violent crime 24/7/365. The more you discourage your violent criminals, the less violent crime to record and the better looking your violent crime metrics become....

Studies show you enjoy far more impact by discouraging your criminals, see here (78.3% less crime), here (47.7% less), and here (74% less), while gaining your people's support usually costs less than hiring an extra police officer. Yet instead of discouraging violent attacks, some chiefs prefer to lavish far larger sums on protecting their citizens from the criminal element and clearing crime. This costs the Criminal Justice System large amounts of money, exacerbates violent crime rates and does nothing to prevent recidivism.

Every time a criminal decides not to attack - as well as every attack thwarted by an armed citizen - is one less violent crime. Since averting violent attacks and encouraging DGUs improve your crime rate while costing you little or nothing, why not prioritize prevention as well as protection and clearance?

But don't start discouraging your criminals until you're properly prepared - our niche. Since criminals are staunchly against armed self-defense, you need the support of your responsible citizens in preventing crime, refuting the inevitable anti-gun negativity and to avoid the implementation pitfalls.

3. How to discourage your violent criminals

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There are many actionable steps to indirectly discourage your violent criminals, advertising is optional. Their foundation is the Democratic double standard on guns Open Page in a new Tab. While you may use our copyrighted material at no charge, please list and link to our web-site as your source and let us have a copy. Avoid any implementation problems Open Page in a new Tab - some people will object, your criminals are NOT in favor of their prey being armed. 1
  1. Let them know their risk of being shot and injured is increasing (also a pop-up light-box link)
  2. Be prepared to counter the negativity from anti-gun fanatics in advance. Educate your citizens on the value of being able to defend themselves and their property Open Page in a new Tab
  3. Indirectly encourage more of your qualified residents to concealed carry (next section)
  4. Directly encourage all your non-objecting qualified residents to be armed with an ordinance Open Page in a new Tab
Every violent criminal who decides NOT to attack because he fears injury Open Page in a new Tab is one less violent crime in your city. So is every assault thwarted by an armed citizen. They both add one less violent crime to your total and reduce the number and severity of victim injuries Open Page in a new Tab as well as reduce gun violence Open Page in a new Tab.
As Police Chiefs tell us Open Page in a new Tab: "Robbery is a serial offense." Recidivism is an ongoing problem - resolved by discouraging your criminals from attacking your defenseless, innocent people. Criminals and drug dealers also rob each other, but how many of the latter do you include in your robbery count given to the FBI?

But you need to feel totally comfortable. Being proactive is part of the job, but do you advertise and if so, how? How best to approach each aspect? How much publicity do you want? Very personal decisions, but you won't decrease violent attacks on your good people by much without discouraging your criminals... Open Page in a new Tab
Warn your violent criminals that their risk of being shot and injured by assaulting one of your city's innocent citizens is increasing... 1 Create and regularly update your police website with stories about robbers being shot and injured such as 1
  1. here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, 5 here, and 6 here. Truth About Guns, the Well Armed Woman, and Guns Save Lives carry many such stories, local ones have more impact.
  2. Notices. Put up notices in your police stations with the number of concealed carry permits in your City or State - the number of armed citizens who can shoot a violent attacker.
  3. Get your officers to spread the word. Get them to tell all criminals when just warned, booked, or released - whenever possible - that it's a good job they didn't attack anyone, with the current increase in armed citizens in your city they have a good chance - and an ever-increasing one - of being shot and injured by their prey.
  4. You want your criminals to pass on the warning and let their friends know, how can you do this?
  5. Be sure to include being armed in the safety advice you give to senior citizens, they do NOT want to be an easy mark for criminals who do NOT need to take their weapons - violent attackers are both younger and stronger!
  6. Does your state have stand your ground laws? If so, announce this on your website, at police stations, and include this in the warning about DGUs you give to criminals...
  7. Publicize your crime decreases and successes on your website. Lauding your reductions in crime and successes in catching violent criminals is a good warning.
  8. These are just a few of the many ways to convince your violent criminals not to attack any of your responsible citizens.

4. Encourage your citizens to concealed carry

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Don't let poor finances stop your low-income, qualified citizens from being able to defend themselves and their family. You want your violent criminals to fear being shot and injured whenever they attack one of your responsible residents.

So lower the cost in money, time and effort of a permit and lessons for all your responsible residents. You want your criminals to get the message Open Page in a new Tab by encouraging your qualified citizens (and teachers if allowed) to be able to protect themselves, their family and their property from violent criminals, rapists, and terrorists.

If your state is considering Constitutional Carry, it will heighten the awareness of your high violent crime in the economic development competition. The sooner you discourage your criminals - AND those incarcerated to stop them recidivising (a new word?) - the sooner you'll get your crime rate well below National Average - one of the most important criteria for both people and potential investors.

How do you get the support of your citizens to reduce the number of defenseless citizens and discourage violent criminals from attacking them? This is our niche, Open Page in a new Tab to thoroughly and decisively refute the highly misleading rhetoric of gun control advocates. all Open Page in a new Tab
Woman showing she
  1. Let them know the cost - tens of thousands of dollars - to recover from injury when they or one of their family becomes a violent crime victim,. Their long-term income can also suffer…
  2. Educate them in the protective benefits of being armed - you'd rather they're unharmed than unarmed! Violent crime is expensive. Each thwarted rape saves the police $26,479 and society a total of $41,247. Each thwarted robbery saves the victim $3,299 and the police save $13,827.

  3. Many people don't realize the immense number of defensive gun uses which thwart millions of violent crimes a year.
  4. Ensure all your citizens appreciate the much safer city they'll enjoy by encouraging them to concealed carry. You want the support of your people - that's our niche.

  5. Encourage the behavior you wish to encourage by reducing the cost and time spent in applying for a concealed carry license
  6. You want to reduce to a minimum the hassle qualified citizens encounter in becoming armed so they can protect themselves and their family from violent criminals, rapists and terrorists

  7. Of course, criminals will vehemently object Open Page in a new Tab to your city encouraging your law-abiding citizens to be armed and able to defend themselves, their family and their property from a violent attack.
The other aspect is to let your violent criminals know their risk of being shot is increasing. You want your violent criminals to realize that attacking good people is not worth the risk of injury Open Page in a new Tab.

Once you're ready - and only when you're fully prepared Open Page in a new Tab - any biased media negativity helps your criminals to know they're more likely to be shot and injured in a violent attack. It's actually helpful...

Note that indirectly discouraging violent criminals, as distinct from the more effective direct discouragement implemented in Kennesaw GA Open Page in a new Tab, only takes willingness, requires no ordinance, is very cost-effective - gives large savings in Criminal Justice System Costs Open Page in a new Tab - and is totally in the hands of your administration.

5. Warn your violent criminals about their risk of injury

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Warn your violent criminals that their risk of being shot by attacking an innocent citizen is increasing...
  1. Stories. Create and regularly update your police website with stories about robbers being shot and killed or injured such as 1 here, 2 here, 3 here, 4 here, 5 here, and 6 here. Truth About Guns, the Well Armed Woman, and Guns Save Lives carry many such stories, local ones have more impact.
  2. Notices. Put up notices in your police stations with the number of concealed carry permits in your City or State - the number of armed citizens who can shoot a violent attacker.

  3. Get your officers to spread the word. Get them to tell all criminals when just warned, booked, or released - whenever possible - that it's a good job they didn't attack anyone, with the current increase in armed citizens in your city they have a good chance - and an ever-increasing one - of being shot and injured by their prey.
  4. You want your criminals to pass on the warning and let their friends know, how can you do this?

  5. Be sure to include being armed in the safety advice you give to senior citizens, they do NOT want to be an easy mark for criminals who do NOT need to take their weapons - violent attackers are both younger and stronger!
  6. Does your state have stand your ground laws? If so, announce this on your website, at police stations, and include this in the warning about DGUs you give to criminals...

  7. Publicize your crime decreases and successes on your website. Lauding your reductions in crime and successes in catching violent criminals is a good warning.
  8. These are just a few of the many ways to convince your criminals to give up violently assaulting your law-abiding citizens.
But you need to feel totally comfortable as well as be very effective in the steps you take to decrease violent crime. Being proactive is part of the job, but do you advertise? How much publicity do you want? How best to approach each aspect? Very personal decisions. But you won't decrease violent attacks on your good people by much without encouraging more Defensive Gun Uses...

6. Media negativity is valuable

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Media negativity is valuable, it warns your violent criminals they're likely to be shot and injured if they attack your citizens. So it's good that people who don't understand the value of armed self-defense will be uneasy and publicize the non-existent dangers of qualified, responsible citizens being able to defend themselves. How much of Chicago's rampant gun violence is caused by their draconian gun control?

Criminals and those who benefit from violent crime will try to inflame the situation. Biased reporters will even ignore Texas Representative Suzanna Gratia Hupp's Senate testimony as well as Nazi survivor Kitty Werthmann on the dangers of socialist gun control and forecast widespread carnage in your city with …

blood running in the streets. But, as a police chief observed: "They said that about Open Carry, we didn't have anything with that."

7. WARNING - Implementation Pitfalls to Avoid

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Avoid any and all problems from the believers of anti-gun rhetoric. They seem to be getting more and more extreme, as seen in the violent demonstrations Open Page in a new Tab against those deemed right-wing and anyone who may have helped scupper Hillary Clinton's bid for the presidency.

See the warnings on the implementation page all Open Page in a new Tab:
  1. Avoid problems from the believers of anti-gun rhetoric
  2. Implementation Pitfalls to Avoid
  3. Beware!
  4. Public support ensures success
  5. And, of course, it is totally legal, see here.

Food for Thought

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170 million new guns, 51% decrease in violent crime since 1991
Milwaukee Sheriff David Clarke
"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option. You can beg for mercy from a violent criminal, hide under the bed, or you can fight back; but are you prepared?

"Consider taking a certified safety course in handling a firearm so you can defend yourself until we get there. You have a duty to protect yourself and your family."

– Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin

http://www.prisonplanet.com/sheriff-warns-of-second-american-revolution-if-gun-grabbers-get-their-way.html Open Page in a new Tab

Let the one who has no sword sell his cloak and buy one Jesus (Luke 22 36)
SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas not only agreed with the judgment in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) that the right to keep and bear arms is applicable to state and local governments, he went even further in finding that an individual's right to bear arms is a fundamental privilege of American citizenship.

His finding in McDonald draws from a long and uninterrupted line of civil rights activists who preached the virtues of armed self-defense:

The great abolitionist leader Frederick Douglass, for instance, who famously urged President Abraham Lincoln to arm the liberated slaves against their former masters, was an outspoken champion of gun rights.

Founder of the pioneering Regional Council of Negro Leadership and a longtime ally of the NAACP, Mississippi doctor T.R.M. Howard saw no reason to separate the struggle for racial equality from the case for armed self-defense.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarence_Thomas#Second_Amendment Open Page in a new Tab

Civil Rights and your Right to Armed Self-Defense, Justice Clarence Thomas's concurring opinion in McDonald v. Chicago. Open Page in a new Tab

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