“People normally don't want to get involved in suspicious activity or crimes because they're scared of becoming a victim themselves.
"But [once you're armed and able to protect yourself], you're much more likely to be open and sincere with police officers because you have a means to defend yourself and your family if the bad guys come looking for you.”
"The six states that allow people to carry concealed handguns without a permit have much lower murder and violent crime rates than the six states which try to stop people having concealed handguns."
"Fear of the unknown gun carrier who is going to punch his ticket to hell... has an immediate effect on reducing violent criminal activity."
– Ron Avery, former police officer with many years of street experience.
Firearms trainer for top level federal agencies and special operations military. His training methodology is used by hundreds of law enforcement agencies across the U.S.
"With officers laid off and furloughed, simply calling 911 and waiting is no longer your best option... You have a duty to protect yourself and your family."
– Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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