This page answers the frequently asked questions about the benefits, motivations and likely outcomes to your city of Discouraging Criminals from attacking your responsible citizens. This symbol - means the link opens in a new tab.
"[Low crime] figures serve a political end.
It brings in tourism; it's good for business."
– Professor Emeritus Eli Silverman, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York City
Professor Silverman finding is verified by the manipulation of crime numbers in Chicago and New York. He's the author of the seminal exposé on the CompStat program in Chicago and New York which avoids classifying murders as murders, avoids classifying rapes as rapes, and downgrades serious crimes to less serious offenses:
The Crime Numbers Game: Management by Manipulation
(Advances in Police Theory and Practice)
– Sheriff David Clarke, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
“A gun in the hand of a citizen is better than a phone online with a 911 operator.
Because you can deal with [the problem] right then as opposed to whenever the officer arrives.”
– Police Chief Charlie Bird, Winter Haven, Florida, quoting previous Police Chief Gary Hester.
"I was wrong, I'm going to get a permit and so is my wife. I've changed my mind. You need a way to protect yourself and your family.
"I never again want to be in the position where I'm approached by someone with a gun and I don't have one. There are too many people who are just evil and mean-spirited. They will hurt you for no reason.
"If more people were packing guns, it might serve as a deterrent."
- Reverend Michael DeBose, Ohio Democrat State Representative. Formerly a committed opponent of Right to Carry laws - he'd twice voted AGAINST concealed carry in Ohio.
“The very atmosphere of firearms anywhere and everywhere restrains evil interference. They deserve a place of honor with all that's good. When firearms go, all goes.
We need them every hour.”
– George Washington (1732 - 1799), "The Father of His Country", first President of the United States
"The liberties of the American people were dependent upon the ballot-box, the jury-box, and the cartridge-box [firearms], without these no class of people could live and flourish in this country.”
– Frederick Douglass (1818-1895), Former slave, African-American social reformer, diplomat, leader of the abolitionist movement, known for his dazzling oratory and incisive antislavery writings. Strong supporter of the 2nd Amendment and your right to defend yourself and your family with a firearm.
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