“The United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe...
The total number of violent offenses recorded compared to population is higher than any other country in Europe, as well as AMERICA, Canada, Australia and South Africa.”
“during the same period, deaths attributed to firearms in America dropped by nearly ten times the decline seen in Australia.”
This video on the real results of the Australian gun ban”There's no such thing as gun control, only people control.”
Dissatisfaction at increasing federal interference can be seen in the USA. Resentment is mounting at federal attempts to usurp powers rightfully reserved to the several states. State legislatures in Arizona, Texas and Wyoming, among others, have presented bills to enforce their constitutional rights to ignore federal gun laws“It is clear that the Framers . . . counted the right to keep and bear arms among those fundamental rights necessary to our system of ordered liberty.”
- Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito in 2010
The Right Response? How to reduce violent crime and guarantee your safety!
DC108 TRR-12 The UN Global Gun Grab page19